This film is based on the life of Kawashima Yoshiko, originally Manchu princess who was the 14th daughter of Emperor Xu, later brought up as a...
Kawashima Yoshiko
Scarless Bullet
The police bomb squad and SWAT teams face off against an embittered serial bomber out to get revenge for his daughter against the gangster who caused...
Men of Sacrifice
The successful development of a new type of AI smart chip has triggered violent seizures by foreign forces. Zhan Feng was seriously injured and lost...
The Lost Man
The successful development of a new type of AI smart chip has triggered violent seizures by foreign forces. In order to protect the chip, Zhanfeng...
Battle Front: Duel of the Peaks
Bai he hua
1983 Chinese FIlm
Yuan fang de xing
Ma Changqing went deep into the grassroots to understand the situation. He lived in the collective dormitory in the rain and witnessed the practical...
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