A look at the life of legendary American pilot Amelia Earhart, who disappeared while flying over the Pacific Ocean in 1937 in an attempt to make a...
Set in 1962 MANDELA’S GUN is a political thriller, based on Mandelas African Odyssey. As Commander-in-Chief of the Liberation Army Umkhonto we...
Mandela's Gun
The lethal Reaper virus spreads throughout Britain—infecting millions and killing hundreds of thousands. Authorities brutally and successfully...
Psychiatrist Dr. Lila Colleti is divorcing her husband and is devastated when he wins custody of their two little girls, whom he gets largely because...
The story of humankind's last stand against a cataclysmic alien invasion. Set in the war-ravaged African countryside, a U.S. soldier and a French...
The inspiring life story of the late photojournalist, artist and activist Dan Eldon, who abandoned a comfortable life in London to document the...
The Journey Is the Destination
When the husband of an affluent woman kills himself, she loses the high life and pretty much everything and ends up on the street, days before she...
Red Room
A drama that chronicles the life of Winnie Mandela from her childhood through her marriage and her husband's incarceration.
Winnie Mandela