Dr. Steven Murphy is a renowned cardiovascular surgeon who presides over a spotless household with his wife and two children. Lurking at the margins...
The Killing of a Sacred Deer
In 1960s New York, Walter Stackhouse is a rich, successful architect and unhappily married to the beautiful but damaged Clara. His desire to be...
A Kind of Murder
John Gotti rises to the top of the New York underworld to become the boss of the Gambino crime family. His life takes a tumultuous turn as he faces...
A woman wakes up in a nightmare world after being rushed to a hospital for unknown reasons.
An Ending
On Halloween eve in 1980, local outcast, Julien Cummings, is carelessly murdered. A vagabond witch doctor, Dr. Death, takes matters into his own...
Candy Corn
A tenacious attorney uncovers a dark secret that connects a growing number of unexplained deaths to one of the world's largest corporations. In the...
Dark Waters