Following the death of a family member, a mother and son experience mysterious events which distort their sense of reality and make them question...
Story of Kadakkal Chandran, the Chief Minister of Kerala whose uncompromising attitude towards corruption and his dictatorial actions has gained him...
Luke Anthony comes to a village in search of his wife Sophia, who got lost in a nearby forest while traveling through the countryside. But, as the...
The story takes place in a hilly village on the Kerala-Tamil Nadu border. The story is about a strict police officer who relocates there and the...
Kudungassery Village, where problems include insufficient public transport and cremation services. As local elections draw near, opposition chief...
Panchayat Jetty
Sudeendran belongs to a poor family and is willing to be experimented upon by Dr. Roy Matthew who wants to see if a man can get pregnant. The...