Dehati Disco is an upcoming Indian Hindi-language dance action drama film directed by Manoj Sharma and produced by Kamal Kishor Mishra under the...
Dehati Disco
Three childhood friends embark on a trip to Goa that goes completely off-track when they wake up in their hotel room to find a cache of cocaine...
Madgaon Express
A poor young woman, who dreams of Bollywood fame, is caught in a love triangle between her childhood friend and a famous actor.
Akhil, an underdog and a failure, comes to know that his real father is a rich diamond merchant who has just passed away. When he goes to retrieve...
It's Entertainment
Three loser friends create a fake university to avoid working for their parents.
Short in stature but big on love, a bachelor meets two very different women who broaden his horizons and help him find purpose in life.