Povídky Svatopluka Čecha
Podivné přátelství herce Jesenia
Území strachu
Pavouk se smaragdovýma očima
A romantic story about Jakub, a student in the summer camp, and his teacher Klara.
Meeting in July
Rudá Divuše
O Radkovi a Mileně
Víkend bez rodičů
O statečné princezně Janě
Pohádka o ebenovém koni
O spanilé Jašince
Překupníkem proti své vůli
Tom v kozí kůži
Sestřičky růží
Pracka v láhvi
The little mermaid rescues a prince from drowning and falls in love with him. To be with him, she makes a deal with the evil sorceress: her beautiful...
The Little Mermaid
Poslední vlak
The Death of a Talented Cobbler
O třech stříbrných hřebenech
Na semaforu zelená
Karel Hynek Mácha
Little Vendulka receives a birthday gift of a seemingly innocuous children's book. Little she knows that the book is actually a portal into the...
Blob to the Fairytale
A teenage witch, Saxana (Petra Černocká), frozen in time as a punishment for 300 years, finds herself in a modern world.
The Girl on the Broomstick
Pastýřská pohádka
Dědo, čaruj!
This Czechoslovakian children’s film takes place during the last days of the Austro-Hungarian empire. The young son of a horse trainer loves...
Jumping Over Puddles
The film's protagonists get an opportunity to make a wish. Consequently, their lives take the path they themselves ordained. Several "coincidences"...
Wings of Christmas
Martin was a veterinarian at the top of his game, until a dramatic life changing incident at work. It resulted in an inability to communicate with...
A love story of the 21st century. Hoping for change, Ema runs away from her family and leaves her husband. She hides at the apartment of her...
Us 2
Sixteen-year-old students of a grammar school are supposed to write essays on "Love". The class best student Andrea (Jaroslava Schallerová)...
Švand, a room painter from Strakonice, begins a dizzying career as a pop music star, but he soon discovers that fame is not the most important...
A Star Is Falling Upwards
There are still water spirits among us. One group lives in Prague, led by Mr. Wassermann, who is using his wife's family as a servants. All they need...
How to Drown Dr. Mracek, the Lawyer
Маленький сержант
Smrt na černo
Dům Na poříčí
Český Honza
Bludiště cest
O princezně z Rimini
A funny movie about life and adventures of the five inseparable friends from little town in south Czech republic.
Inseparable Five
V erbu lvice
Simon, called the Righteous, once saw a beautiful but sad girl behind a frosty window, whom he suddenly fell in love with and set out to search for...
Truth and Lie
Ta třetí
Chán Sulejmán a víla Fatmé
Little Tom Thumb's evil stepmother exploits him amd makes his life very hard, so the little shepherd boy decides to leave home and seek happiness in...
"I'm feeling like a dog, doctor". Mr. Ota Posta is not feeling very well lately, deprived and humiliated like a dog he turns into one.
Psí kus
Vlasta and Tonda don't have much longer to live but they do have one more important task ahead of them - to find and kill the communist prosecutor...
The life of the famous French writer Alexander Dumas the Elder. Screenwriter Jaroslav Dietl did not hide his admiration for this literary giant, and...
The Secret of a Great Narrator
Zločin na poště
Police find a girl with a bleeding face in a small town park at night. First the girl, a textile factory worker Jana, refuses to talk, and then she...
Quails and King
O víle Arnoštce
Jako letní sníh – Život J. A. Komenského
Co je platno kárat, co je platno kázat
Tam kde hnízdí čápi
Zákon rovnosti
It is the beginning of the school year. At 13 years old, Ben discovers the effects of puberty on his classmates who have changed a lot. Especially...
Living Large