Sci-fi action depicting a battle between a security system awakened by an ego and three maids. The security system "Godfather" developed by Fuyuki...
Rear Maid
Obayashi's take on the famous Kosuke Kindaichi series, made popular partly thanks to the numerous movie-adaptions by Kon Ichikawa, the most known...
The Adventures of Kosuke Kindaichi
This is a story about a high school student who had it all going for him. He was great at basketball, he had a love like no other, until a day where...
Winning Pass
When a lone traveler stumbles upon a remote, drought-stricken village, he finds himself engulfed in a whirlpool of myth, mystery, and magic: in a...
Demon Pond
This work is an erotic drama depicting the trajectory of the main character who separated from the crowd in the midst of a battle for succession of...
Girl Bangaichi: Let Me Finish