Vilmos and his dad work as social media cleaners. During their work they are confronted with the worst of humanity, in picture form. When they try to...
Deep Learning Death
A young couple stumbles into a dark, incomprehensible world in the basement of a nihilistic night club, opening a portal to mutation and mayhem.
Flesh City
Ex-American G.I returns to Germany after 20 years to make a film and oddly enough winds up homeless on the streets of Berlin. While there, he ends up...
Love Songs for Scumbags
Robin Hood
A Silent Mixed Media Short Film Poem Shot Primarily In The “Zarnewanzer Ur-Strom-Tal”, Baden-Württembergs “Kleiner...
Sol Alegria Del Mare Alias Yume Nikki
5 short films, from 5 directors and 4 different countries on the theme of the Alter-Ego. The "Alter Ego Film Project" is inspired by the spirit of...
Alter Ego Film Project
The Spectral Lo-Fi Body Art Performance Piece I Created For The "Alter Ego Film Project".
Scrying Session #1
An Avantgarde Portrait Of Classical Musician Puschan Mousavi Malvani.