This film tells the story of a few uneventful days in the life of six pals. Lali, a great fan of America, owns a sandwich stand on the side of the...
Glass Tiger
In the sequel to the surprise hit Üvegtigris (2001), we witness the 6 losers again as they run amok around the roadside buffet, which again...
Glass Tiger 2
Directed, written, and co-produced by Zoltan Kamondi), Kisertesek ("Temptations") illustrates the struggle between ancient traditions and the modern...
A popular writer with lack of inspiration (Szabolcs Thuróczy) and his never-seen son meets unexpectedly. From there they have to deal with...
Hello, My Life!
A typist girl who is under the influence of nervous breakdown walks out to the street stark naked from the office she works in. A young physician...
Banana Skin Waltz
Laura is personnel manager in a hospital. Her father-in-law was a high ranking cadre, her mother-in-law is an influential functionary, it is only her...
This epic story takes place between 1820 and 1860 during the Habsburg Monarchy, and portrays the life one of the greatest Hungarian aristocrats -...
The Bridgeman
The plot of the film starts at the beginning of the century, in the heyday of the Andrássy and Károlyi families, during the ever...
The Red Countess
In the first half of the fifties Júlia, the weaver meets engineer Szél on a visit with "educative" purpose, who raises his three...
Wasted Lives
At a dusty crossroads in the Soviet Union villagers surrender their possessions - a horse, a samovar, a goat - to the state. The train which takes...
Stalin's Bride
A focus on the tormented lives of intellectuals who failed to protest recent troubles in their homeland. Jancsó emphasizes highly evocative...
Jesus Christ's Horoscope
Gertrúd is a middle-aged music teacher. She lives with her art-restorer husband and their teenage son. She is weary of family life, and her...
Small Coincidences
Most van most
The general practitioner Balla and his wife abandoning her higher education begin their common life in the small mountain village in the hope of...
Heart Tremors
The heroes of this story, based on real events at the end of the 1930s and during World War II, face and dismiss the illusions of intellectuals about...
The Disciples
In the year of change in Eastern Europe, in a remote village, the regular movie show, scheduled once a week, terminates due to the motor...
One Winter Behind God's Back
Story of the owners (Mastroianni and Schygulla) of a fancy nightclub in Budapest before and during WWII.
Miss Arizona
Hungary's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1984
Dés-Bereményi: Férfi és Nő
Over the course of four generations, a family in Hungary confronts poverty, political turmoil and a life that's perpetually on the move.
Mom and Other Loonies in the Family
Übü király
A revizor
Lt. Kojak arrives in Budapest as a guest speaker for the 'International Crime Writers Conference'. Soon after he starts enjoying the pleasures that...
Kojak in Budapest
Tamás is a young, Budapest-based director of video clips and commercials who dreams of directing his...
A Kind of America
A new socialistic city is being built on the Danube's riverbank in the early 50's. The story is about a teacher who's living there.
Mayday Mayhem
Would you believe in a policewoman who suffers from such serious panic disorders that she is afraid to get close to any crime scene and has been on...
X - The eXploited
Dés László: Nagy utazás - Aréna koncert
One crazy day... one toothpick... one shot...
Glass Tiger 3
Gergő’s mother is obsessed with having a grandchild. She has a serious heart disease and has only days left to live. To give his mum some...
Neither with You
The life of Tamás, antiquities dealer, runs in a normal, everyday way, he is stealing, swindling, cheating on his wife just like everybody...
Just For Kicks