Love in Sampan is the tale of an unfortunate young woman named Kiu. As she explains in the opening narration, she has known three men: Wah (a boy who...
Love in Sampan
As the evil sect known as the Black Section of Esoteric Buddhism wreaks havoc on Tibet, a young monk named Wong La (Biao Yuen) is sent to Hong Kong...
A Kid from Tibet
Dr. Poon is a psychiatrist who espouses the therapeutic benefits of wild, screaming group sex. He tells Susan, a recent divorcée who is...
A Wild Party
The sexy antics of four now-adult classmates. Chu, the only male, is unsure which of two of the group he really fancies. The girls are conveniently...
Lan Kwai Fong Swingers
A man, happy in his marriage but enjoying a trip with his wife, indulges in infidelity. On returning from his girlfriend, he wants to end his...
Quenchless Desire
A teenage girl falls in love with a pimp and is forced into prostitution. [from the Tai Seng Catalog] Amy, Michelle and Yan are three bored teen...
1995 film
Honey Bee
A retired triad leader is conned by his ambitious son-in-law who is plotting to kill him and take over as head of the triad.
Astray Lamb
An ambitious young man sets off to make his first million in a gigolo club. Wing is a hairdresser whose boss is gay, but he certainly isn't. When a...
Gigolo Club