The story of a young lawyer who finds herself in a difficult situation when she encounters troubles in her burgeoning career and complications in...
The Lawyer
Kráľovna noci v kamennom mori
Čierny slnovrat
Čaj u pána senátora
Staroružová dráma
Desiaty chlap
Sobota, nedeľa, pondelok
Veľká poľovačka
Vzkriesenie Míny
Stalo sa v našom mestečku
Heloisa a Abelard
Škola klebiet
Hlupákovo šťastie
Toto leto doma
A teenager gets into a difficult situation due to several causes and tries to hide. His relations to others will decide his further life course.
Pre mňa nehrá blues
A film adaptation of the novelette of the same title written by Dominik Tatarka depicts the life of a young generation of artists that was formed in...
Miraculous Virgin
A group of children discover the new continent of the world, uninhabited by adults. Soon, many other children are joining them in that new paradise,...
The Seventh Continent
A classical ballad motif about an aging father and his three daughters is quite unusually here set against the backdrop of Czechoslovakia of the...
Three Daughters
Pomsta starej dámy alebo Na každého raz dôjde
Smrť Márie Jankovskej
Dukát z rozprávky
Básnikova cesta do neba
Bírbal a sprisahanci
V stolnom meste Kyjeve
Blízki cudzí ľudia
A Slovak comedy from director Štefan Uher and screenwriter Alfonz Bednár.
The Genius
In the aftermath of war, two men and a woman begin acting more like children than adults, leading to tragedy.
Birds, Orphans and Fools
Bambusová dievčina
Odsúdenie Paganiniho
Vládca Oidipus
Profesor na bielom koni
Koníček Hrbáčik
O krásnej strige
Príbelská vzbura Janka Kráľa
Putička Li
Moment kritického zaťaženia
Žiadne veľké slová
Zázračná ihla
Deň slnovratu
Emília Galottiová
Prípad krásnej nerestnice
Cesta ženy
Spoločník pána veľkomožného
Pohľad do zrkadla
Šepkajúci fantóm
Pád hore
Plač pre syna
Mastný hrniec
Obyčajné rozmery
Bezvýznamná žena
Filmoviedky: Náhradná matka
When a selfless king learns of a beautiful princess in a neighboring kingdom who callously turns down every suitor with an insult, he tries his luck...
King Thrushbeard
Žltý dostavník
Strieborný prach
Dom pod morušou
Navráťte sa k otcom svojim
Chlapec do náručia
Janko Gondášik
Brezová víla
Puto najsilnejšie
Hviezdne dieťa
Amonina pomsta
O Zorali a dvoch bratoch
In the dead of night, a few hours after Mozart's death, the usual suspects are summoned to Mozart's room by Count Pergen, head of the secret police,...
Forget Mozart