It is the summer of 1958 in wealthy Lake Geneva, where an enigmatic young Frenchman begins an affair with a beautiful starlet under the watchful eye...
The Perfume of Yvonne
The film, set in 1912, is about the exploits of France's first motorized police brigade.
The Tiger Brigades
Monsieur Joseph is a respected citizen of a small town in the North of France. For over four decades he has run a specialized bookshop in the...
Monsieur Joseph
In 1942, in an occupied Paris, the apolitical grocer Edmond Batignole lives with his wife and daughter in a small apartment in the building of his...
Monsieur Batignole
A modern remake of Renoir's classic film. Aix-en-Provence, a spring night. Christian Lespinglet, an over-indebted gallery owner, rescues a homeless...