In the not-so-distant future, Captain Jordan Strider, a Special Forces Officer in the New World Alliance, is chosen for a top-secret mission. Sent to...
Battle Planet
American Weapon is the story of six beautiful travelers who head to the mountains for a getaway weekend, only to be terrorized by a homicidal war...
American Weapon
Zip, a 17 year-old Nisei (second-generation Japanese American) baseball pitcher, faces the tragic circumstances of the World War II internment of...
Day of Independence
While conducting experiments to create "the perfect boobs" a group of doctors are transformed into Evil Mutant Creatures with an unstoppable hunger...
A horror comedy centered on a guy who learns that his unusual stomach problems are being caused by a demon living in his intestines.
Bad Milo!
When Megan's fiancé is killed, she moves cross country and rebuilds her life with a new boyfriend and a closer relationship with her sister....
Lethal Admirer
For Nick, Kurt and Dale, the only thing that would make the daily grind more tolerable would be to grind their intolerable bosses into dust. Quitting...
Horrible Bosses
The story follows Carol Danvers as she becomes one of the universe’s most powerful heroes when Earth is caught in the middle of a galactic war...
Captain Marvel
After a prank blows up a studious high school senior's life, he shares a list of certain things he wishes he'd done differently — and maybe...
The F**k-It List
Annie and Tom Clark throw an annual holiday party, “Clarkmas.” It’s become the go-to event for their ragtag group of friends. When...
See You Next Christmas
When Brian Conway, a successful businessman whose family relationships have suffered, gets in a car accident on Christmas Eve, Santa gives him twelve...
The 12 Days of Christmas Eve