Follows a day in the life of a young artist who longs for professional success and the attention of beautiful women, but who encounters only...
Self-funded Hal Hartley project shot on 16mm with a focus on a somewhat bizarre romance.
The Cartographer's Girlfriend
The lives of two incompetent young men from Brooklyn spin out of control after a friend returns from Florida with guns to sell.
Laws of Gravity
Jude, a college professor, is obsessed with Sophie, his student. She, in turn, is intrigued by his scholarly charm. Flirtation turns to lust and the...
Surviving Desire
Everyone has dreams. For high schoolers Kash, Hadley, and Riley, their dream is to travel. To explore the world after they graduate high school. As...
Rivers Edge
Hal Hartley's senior thesis film from SUNY-Purchase. A young man attempts to leave his Long Island suburb, but is thwarted by a series of absurd...
A man wakes up in an alley, bleeding and with no memory of who he is. He stumbles into a coffee shop and is befriended by a charitable ex-nun who is...