During the course of an ordinary week in Hollywood, movie producer Ben must navigate his way through shark-infested waters as he struggles to...
What Just Happened
In this modern retelling of the classic horror tale, teen siblings are enslaved by a psychotic recluse within her gruesome house of horrors in the...
Hansel & Gretel
A freak hurricane hits Los Angeles, causing man-eating sharks to be scooped up in tornadoes and flooding the city with shark-infested seawater....
Miles Montego has it all - cars, boats, good looks, mansion, money, women, but more importantly, he has a past.
I'm in Love with a Church Girl
A woman with amnesia tries to restart her life until the past comes back to haunt her.
Forgotten Evil
A student's chances of getting into a good college hang in the balance when inappropriate photos of her are posted on the Internet.
Social Nightmare
A couple off for a romantic weekend in the mountains are accosted by a biker gang. Alone in the mountains, Brea and John must defend themselves...
After a tragedy, Sophie attends a summer camp where she encounters some camp bullies. But when Sophie joins the archery team, the girls form a tight...
The Message
A closeted gay man, is stuck taking care of his grandmother as she tries to convince him that she can speak to God.
Only One Word
A man and woman are struggling to adjust to life with their new baby. Their situation begins to unravel when they suspect a menacing stranger could...
A Dozen Eggs