Itano Tomomi is an AKB48 first generation member and also top seven most populer member
Tokyo Dome 2nd Day Itano Tomomi Graduation Concert
Gyomu Renraku. Tanomuzo, Katayama Bucho! in Saitama Super Arena...
Maeda Atsuko's Tearjerking Graduation Announcement in Saitama Super Arena
Miyuki Watanabe Miru Neko
「見逃した君たちへ」チームA 3rd Stage「誰かのために」公演
「見逃した君たちへ」チームK 2nd Stage「青春ガールズ」公演
"Shuku Takahashi Minami Graduation "148.5cm no Mita Yume" in Yokohama Stadium" (祝...
高橋みなみ卒業“148.5cmの見た夢”in 横浜スタジアム
First DVD from Miyuki Watanabe (NMB48 Team N, AKB48 Team B) includes making of her photo book, "Mirukami" and bonus video footage for 87 min. total....
The movie features the history of SKE48 from the first auditions up to 2015.
Idols' Tears: Documentary of SKE48
When cricket obsessed Teddy Brown realizes his mates are growing up and moving on, he leads them and his D-Grade team on an audacious tour of India,...
Save Your Legs!
A Japanese tent theatre company tours from Tokyo to Melbourne and performs a play about the ghost of Kamikaze Pilots. Cambis has created a portal...
Angel of the Wind