Four years before Silent Parade (2022), Yukawa and Kusanagi investigate the murder of a writer after a video found in his possession piques Yukawa's...
Galileo: Forbidden Sorcery
Yamane Mito lives her life as the charismatic influencer "MITOYAMANE", supported by her younger sister Miho. One day, she is approached by her agency...
Twenty-five-year-old Momo has friends. Her parents live some distance away, but they sometimes get together to dine out. She dates an acceptable guy,...
Momo and the Seven Papagenos
In postwar Japan, Godzilla brings new devastation to an already scorched landscape. With no military intervention or government help in sight, the...
Godzilla Minus One
After suffering through a long and unsuccessful series of fertility treatments, Satoko and her husband Kiyokazu make the decision to adopt a child....
True Mothers
Lord Oda Nobunaga plans to control Japan where rival warlords battle by waging war against several clans. His vassal Araki Murashige stages a...